Mid-Week Support

We have got groups going on during the week and you are more than welcome to attend.

Chatty Cafe- This group runs every Tuesday from 9:30am-11:30am. Feel free to come and make a new friend! This group is very welcoming and supportive.

Parent & Toddler Group- We have got a Parent & Toddler Group that runs every Wednesday (Term-Time Only) from 9:30am-11:30am. This group is parent led and is run by volunteers. Children over 6 months pay £2 and have snacks included.

Adults Arts & Crafts Group 10:30am-12:30pm Every Thursday.

Talk Bible Study- Every Thursday from 1:30pm-2:30pm.


A vibrant, welcoming and gracious community, where everyone has a place of significance, where nobody will be judged, overlooked or forgotten, and where we can thrive together.

We can offer practical help for the immediate crisis you may face

We offer emotional support for those experiencing life issues

We offer a range of initiatives to build and grow healthy families

We offer a variety of community groups for all ages and stages



We offer practical help for the immediate crises you may face.  Sometimes life prevents immediate practical needs - this may include the following but is not an exhaustive list: 

  • Food and household 

  • Health 

  • Bereavement 

We are here to support you in whatever way we can and would encourage you to fill in the form below so we can connect you with one of our team to see if we can help you.



We are a safe space offering an emotional health hub to support individuals facing life challenges.

We provide a bespoke and holistic offer in addition to  signposting to a range of services depending on need, including:

  • Counselling

  • Mentoring

  • Pastoral Care

  • Group support

  • Training


We offer support for local families; for those in need, and those who want a safe, healthy and quality provision for their children. This currently includes:

  • Brave Kids Clubs (supported by HAF)

  • Weekly Brave Parent & Toddler Groups 

  • Our OfSTED accredited Brave Church Nursery & Pre-School (Brave Pre-school page)

  • Access to the Emotional Health Hub

  • Discipleship

  • Mentoring/Befriending


If you want to connect with others and get to know people in similar circumstances to you, we offer a range of weekly and regular gatherings that you can access.

  • Brave Parent & Toddler group

  • Brave Kids Clubs

  • Brave Youth Events

  • Seasonal Creative Arts Group

  • Chatty Cafe Coffee Morning- Every Tuesday at 9:30-11:30am


Our Coffee House is open three days a week
(Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) from 9am - 4pm.